About Lisa
Early Career
Beginning my career as a Personal Fitness Trainer back in 1992. My young mind was full of ideas about health and nutrition.
I took my career very seriously and worked hard to show my clients results.
(Even though I was binge eating myself at the time)
As I continued my career path I incorporated physical bodywork into my practice and became a licensed massage therapist in 1999.
At the time, sports and athletics consumed my life and I began marathon and triathlon training in 2007.
I have competed in dozens of races including 2 full-distance Ironman which also led me to become a USAT Triathlon Coach serving both adults and youth athletes.
Life was busy, and I seemed to have it all "together".
(Even though I was binge eating myself at the time)

The Messy Middle
Fake. That's the only way I can describe it. After years of training people, and living a life of an athlete, I felt like a fraud. Not only could I no longer uphold the façade that I trying desperately to uphold.
I was binge eating daily. Everyday I would wake up with my oh so familiar mantra "today's going to be a good day". I'd make it to after lunch and them BAAM!
They say that you have to hit rock bottom to come back up and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. My health was in shambles, I had acid reflux so bad I could hardly hold down water, my stomach was a disgusting mess (TMI!), and my personal life was a in shambles (think divorce # 2).
Suddenly, I had never felt more alone in my life and I honestly didn't know what to do.
So, instead of running away from my problems, like I had in the past, I decided to run head first into them, and figure myself out once and for all!
So, I enrolled in a series of courses from a coaching company called Your Infinite Life (www.yourinfinitelifeonone.com) and later joined the largest Health Coaching company in the world, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (www.integrativenutrition.com) with the sole goal of healing myself.
It took me 6 years to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and then....just like that.... I was free.
Fast Forward to Today
They say that one of the greatest barriers we have, is the limited belief we have in ourselves. Somehow, we have come to equate success with not needing anyone or going at it alone. We tend to become givers and rarely take for ourselves. I have had to learn this the hard way. In life, we need both. I finally understood the reason why I felt so fake all of my life. I was trying to be everything to everybody and I had nothing left to give to myself.
I believe that life is a ripple effect. Someone had to help me, so that I could help you, so that you can help others. Once you get a taste of your own power, I promise, you will not be hungry for anything else.
It's time to Crush YOUR Food Thing!
With Abundant Love & Positive Energy,
Coach Lisa